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Top 8 podcasts for web developers

Izzy Turner
Casual indoor picnic setup with pizza and tea, suggesting a relaxed environment for enjoying web development podcasts.

Listening to podcasts are a great way to learn about new technologies. One of the best ways to gain knowledge is through listening. You can listen while you drive, clean the house, take a shower (no judgments!), or anything else.Learning Web Development is a never-ending process. The more you know, the more you realize how much you don't know. It's easy to get stuck in a rut and fall behind, so what better way than an awesome podcast to stay up to date on trends and technologies? Here's the ultimate guide to the top 8 podcasts for Web Developers!


The show is well-produced, entertaining, and it gives a nice mixture of podcasts and videos. Scott and Wes are full-stack developers who dive into problems that other developers have faced in their lives or the community--and then do their best to answer them for everyone else. Instead of just giving them some code, they masterfully explain how to solve problems by sharing their experience with the listeners. Their video tutorials are also very well put together.

Talk Python to Me

Talk Python to Me is your weekly source for the latest in Python news, definitions, use cases, libraries, tools, techniques and more. If you’re interested in learning more about developing applications with Python, this is the podcast for you.With key Python gurus, innovative startups, core language gurus, business leaders, data scientists, automation professionals, artificial intelligence engineers, educators, and more are joining in this podcast community.

The Ladybug Podcast

This one is my personal favorite! The Ladybug podcast is a great resource for women in tech. The hosts are all women, and many guests are women too. They don't just talk about what it's like to be a woman in tech, but about how to be effective in tech jobs, so you can either decide if it's something you want to do yourself, or help someone else get the job they want. This podcast feels fun and comfortable, so many people feel very at ease listening to it.The Ladybug podcast is exactly what it sounds like: a podcast for women in the tech industry. Led by a panel of women who understand what it is like to work in an industry that is still very male-dominated. These ladies discuss everything from learning new languages and skills, getting jobs, and interviewing skills to handling the various ups and downs of working in such an industry.

CodePen Radio

In this podcast, CodePen employees share stories, learnings, struggles, and successes from running a small company, as well as their own experience starting their company. They focus on topics around what makes a sound engineer and how to be a great manager or leader, two founders working together. If you’re curious about the stories behind the faces of CodePen, this is the show for you.

Real Talk JavaScript

If you’re looking for a weekly JavaScript podcast, give Real Talk JS a shot. This is a great podcast series for developers of all skill levels. The topics they discuss are often times recent and cutting edge (more than you can say for some of the bigger more established shows out there). If you're new to programming, I'd say this podcast is good for anyone that's written some JavaScript, or at least has an understanding on how the language works.

Front End Happy Hour

Every week, a rotating panel of developers from several Silicon Valley tech companies discuss hot topics in front-end development. The show is recorded over drinks so the conversation is a little rambunctious, but they keep the language clean and the show fast-paced.

Code Newbie

Learning to code is hard enough without having to wade through hundreds of tutorial videos. What you need is an organized path to follow. That's what this series is about: giving you the resources you need to learn how to code with confidence, not overwhelm. From conceptual basics to language-specific techniques, every episode is here to help you become a better coder, starting at square one.

Shop Talk

Hear how companies large and small use design to solve their most vexing problems and connect with customers, employees, and partners. In this podcast series, you’ll learn from leaders in design and programming on important topics such as new product development, online design discipline, design thinking, management of portfolios and process improvement.The podcast is hosted by Dave Rupert and Chris Coyle, editors of Shop Talk Show, and they feature conversations about the web industry. There are interviews with familiar faces in addition to new people, while the topics range from customer experience to testing.

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