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What are the Mistakes to Avoid When Creating an Fiverr Offer?

Eran Karaso
Tips & Tools

Creating a convincing, clear and attractive offer is the most important thing to acquire the client. Freelancers need to be extremely careful while creating the offer since this will be the first contact and impression with their clients. There are several mistakes that freelancers make while creating offers. In this post we will review those and give tips on how to avoid them.

1. Non Detailed Gig Description

One of the most critical mistakes is failing to provide a clear and detailed gig description. Your description needs to be detailed, clear, professional. It should explain why the client should choose you with your previous experience, your skills and maybe testimonial samples.

2. Ignoring Keywords and SEO

You should always use relevant keywords in your gigs. Fiverr’s search algorithm relies on keywords to match buyers with appropriate gigs. Try to use keywords that potential clients are likely to type when searching for your services. 

3. Overpromising 

It is never good to over promise while creating an offer. Overpromising can lead to unhappy clients and negative reviews. It’s important to set realistic expectations and be honest about your capabilities. If you promise more than you can deliver, you risk damaging your reputation and potentially facing disputes with clients. Focus on what you can genuinely offer and provide high-quality work within those parameters.

4. Low Quality Visuals

Visuals are so important in your profile and offers. You should always add high quality images, videos, testimonials while creating your offer. Poorly designed or visuals can make your gig appear less credible and may turn potential clients away. Invest time in creating or sourcing professional images and videos that effectively showcase your skills and services.

5. Setting Prices Without Market Research

Setting a price is very important to value your services. While setting price you need to understand the market metrics, your services, skills, experience and the cost of the projects. Underbidding is as disadvantageous as overbidding. So finding the right price plays an important role while creating an offer. 

Ruul offers freelance hourly price calculator to find the most accurate and suitable price for your services based on your skills, experience level and your costs. You can benefit from Ruul to set your pricing to use in other platforms where you make offers to clients.

6. Weak & Unclear Titles

The title of your gig is the first impression between you and your client, so this is critical. You need to be clear, strong, professional and honest. Your offer title should explain the rest in a summary with a clear message. 

7. Importance of a Professional Profile

Your Fiverr profile must be credible, professional and completed. It is extremely important to add your bio, your photo and your experience with previous projects. Also testimonials and reviews play an important role to maintain reputation.

8. Not Offering Revisions

Not offering revisions may look like a risk to your client. Clients mostly want to be able to ask revisions if they need to, giving them flexibility of revisions will make your offer more credible. 

9. Ignoring the Competition

Failing to analyze and understand your competition can result in missed opportunities to differentiate your offer. Take the time to review other freelancers’ gigs in your niche and identify what they are doing well and where you can stand out. Look at their pricing, descriptions, and customer reviews to gain insights into what clients are looking for. Use this information to refine your offer and highlight unique aspects of your services that set you apart.

10. Neglecting to Update Your Gig Regularly

Leaving your gig unchanged for long periods can lead to stagnation and reduced visibility. Regularly updating your gig to reflect any new skills, services, or changes in market demand can keep it fresh and relevant. Consider updating your gig’s description, visuals, or pricing periodically to ensure it accurately represents your current offerings and aligns with market trends.

11. Failing to Communicate Effectively

The most important part of your process is to communicate effectively with your client. Non Effective, slow and unattractive communication causes the loss of clients. Failing to respond on time can also cause lost opportunities. 

12. Not Leveraging Fiverr’s Tools and Features

Fiverr offers various tools and features to enhance your gig offers and improve your visibility. Not taking advantage of these tools can mean missing out on opportunities. Utilize Fiverr’s promotional options, such as sponsored gigs or gig extras, to increase your exposure from Fiverr jobs. Explore the platform’s features to optimize your gig and make the most of the resources available to you.

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