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35 SEO Tools Every Freelancer Should Use in 2024 for Success

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Freelancers have quite the job description — secure the client, do the job, and deliver flawless outcomes. SEO, or search engine optimization tools, are necessary for this chain of events.

SEO is a set of techniques that help freelancers and brands improve search engine ranking through organic traffic.

So, what are SEO tools, and which ones do freelancers need?

Lucky for you, in this guide, you’ll read through 35 of the best SEO tools that every freelancer should use in 2024. You’ll find a list of SEO tools for keyword research, on and off-page optimization, and analytics and reporting tools.

By reading this piece, you’ll gain empowerment that will take your freelance SEO practice to the next level.

Let’s get started.

Introduction to SEO

SEO techniques are important to improve your organic traffic. Organic traffic is like a magnet, drawing in website visitors naturally through relevant search queries. You don't have to pay to get their attention; they come to you! For example, someone seeking online tutoring can search “online freelance tutoring in Orlando.”

Now, here is the kicker:

As we know, many freelancers are offering this service in Orlando. So, how do you ensure yours is in the top five?

It’s simple: SEO!

A study done by BrightEdge attests that 53% of their overall website traffic was organic search. Freelancer businesses can take advantage of this benefit.

You can tweak your offerings by knowing that search engine algorithms consider website content, user experience, and backlinks. You do this using the best app and website SEO tools at every juncture.

So, in short, the best SEO tools help you improve search engine rankings and boost organic traffic. They also assist in turning leads (website visitors) into paying or subscribing customers.

Tools for Freelancers

Savvy freelance copywriters and content creators leverage the best SEO tools to craft high-impact pieces. Keyword research development tools facilitate the identification of the most relevant terms to target. On-page and off-page optimization tools ensure their content resonates with search engines. Finally, they analyze performance using SEO analytics and reports to measure success.

These SEO optimization tools are the building blocks that ensure your sites rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs). They help you attract more organic traffic, generate leads, and convert these leads into paying or subscribing clients.

The internet space has several SEO optimization tools, both paid and free. This can be overwhelming for freelancers. It is overwhelming because, being the boss, you do everything on your own.

To ease that burden, here is a list of 35 tools that can become part of your everyday freelance SEO tools:

Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research is the foundational element in any SEO strategy. It is how your target audience locates you. If you fail at this juncture, you might create content for the wrong audience, missing the mark.

This step involves finding keywords and phrases your target audiences search for online. This list of SEO tools for keyword research helps you find high-volume, low-competition keywords that optimize your content.

  1. Semrush: This tool is an all-in-one SEO platform that offers advanced features for keyword research. It provides metrics like keyword difficulty and keyword tracking.
  2. Google Keyword Planner: This free SEO tool provides insight into keyword search volumes, related keyword suggestions, and competition. It might not be as comprehensive as most paid SEO tools, but it’s a great place to start as a freelancer.
  3. Moz Keyword Explorer: The Moz SEO tool provides keyword suggestions, organic SERP tracking, and search volume data.
  4. Ahrefs: Ahrefs is an industry-leading brand offering a keyword research suite encompassing keyword difficulty, click-through rate estimations, and search volume.
  5. AnswerThePublic: Beyond the norm of keyword SEO optimization tools, AnswerThePublic uncovers users’ questions about your target keywords. This tool can be pretty insightful when drafting title outlines for your written and pictorial content.
  6. KWFinder: This tool is an affordable, user-friendly tool that offers keyword suggestions, long-tail keyword generation, and search volume data.
  7. Google Trends: This is not a specific keyword research tool, but it shows how to search volume for particular keyword trends over time. This information may help you pinpoint occasional trends and optimize your content accordingly.
  8. Soovle: Soovle has a unique approach to keyword research. It pulls keywords from credible sources like YouTube, Google, and Bing. The data you get offers you a broader perspective on user search behavior.

On-page Optimization Tools

When you search online for a specific query and get suggestions for a page, that page is highlighted because of on-page optimization. On-page search engine optimization tools enhance individual pages on a website.

On-page optimization tools rely on title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, content quality, and image optimization. The following are nine on-page SEO software all freelancers should know of:

  1. Rank Math: This tool is a WordPress SEO plugin that offers real-time on-page SEO suggestions with additional features like schema markup integration.
  2. Yoast SEO: Yoast is another WordPress plugin offering real-time on-page SEO suggestions. Yoast eases title, meta description, and content target keyword optimization.
  3. Ahrefs On-Page Checker: This SEO tool audits and identifies all the technical issues within your pages. It also offers you optimization opportunities.
  4. SEMrush On-Page SEO Checker: SEMrush audits your website’s on-page SEO elements. The insights you get provide actionable steps to improve the page’s performance.
  5. Screaming Frog SEO Spider: This application is a desktop SEO software a freelancer uses to identify any on-page SEO issues. It highlights broken links, duplicate content, and missing title tags.
  6. Moz On-Page Checker: This checker peruses through your freelancing website content structure. It highlights technical SEO factors, providing detailed reports on what you can improve (and how.)
  7. Google Search Console: This free Google on-page SEO tool offers insightful data about the functionality of your website.
  8. OnPage: OnPage is a free Chrome extension that provides freelancers with basic on-page SEO checks and highlights. These help you mitigate any potential keyword cannibalization issues.
  9. Surfer SEO: This paid online tool offers advanced on-page SEO analysis that compares your content to the top-ranking pages using your target keywords.

Off-page Optimization Tools

While on-page optimization tools enhance individual website pages, off-page proves credibility. Backlinks — the links from other sites to yours — are the critical drivers of off-page optimization. Below are some of the best off-page freelance SEO tools:

  1. SEMrush Backlink Checker: Freelancers can use this tool to analyze the backlink profile and identify the competitor’s backlinks. It also provides link-building opportunities and competitor research.
  2. Ahrefs Backlink Checker: Ahrefs offers a powerful SEO tool to check your backlink profile and competitors and discover link-building opportunities.
  3. BuzzSumo: BuzzSumo is a giant SEO tool that helps freelancers identify high-performing content they can use as backlinks to your site.
  4. Moz Link Explorer: This off-page optimization tool offers insights into your website’s link profile. It also includes the quality and authority of your backlinks.
  5. Guest Post Tracker: This SEO software helps freelancers manage guest posting outreach efforts. As a freelancer, this makes it easy for you to track all guest post opportunities and submissions to better your off-page SEO.
  6. Broken Link Checker: This SEO tool is a free browser extension that helps you identify broken links within your competitor’s content. This insight enables you to find better links to include in your pieces.
  7. HARO: Help A Reporter Out offers a free service connecting journalists with sources. A freelancer can use this site to earn backlinks through contributions of their expertise on various articles.
  8. BuzzStream: This paid SEO tool streamlines guest posting outreach. It also provides link-building campaigns through features like communication tools and prospect management.
  9. Ahrefs Alerts: as a freelancer, you pay for this tool to receive an alert whenever your website gains or loses backlinks. This tool enables you to stay conversant with your backlink profile.

Analytics and Reporting Tools

So far, all the website SEO optimization tools we’ve discussed have been on content creation and optimization. This section highlights how a freelancer tracks the success of the content. The data you get helps you curate better content that resonates with your target audience. The analytics and reporting best SEO tools are:

  1. Google Analytics: This free analytics and reporting SEO tool provides a complete suite that tracks website traffic, conversions, and user behavior.
  2. Google Search Console: This is another Google product that shows your website’s search traffic, SEO errors, and keyword rankings.
  3. Ahrefs Organic Search Reports: This SEO software allows you to dig deeper into reports on your website’s organic traffic, rankings, and your competitor’s analysis.
  4. SEMrush Organic Research: This tool offers valuable insight crafted as reports on your website’s organic search traffic. It also reports on keyword rankings and competitor’s performance.
  5. Rank Tracker: Rank Tracker enables freelancers to monitor timed website keyword rankings across various search engines. For instance, you can search your website’s rankings in a year, month, week, or day.
  6. Moz Pro Analytics: This freelance SEO tool provides freelancers insight into website traffic, link profiles, and keyword rankings.
  7. Clicky: Clicky is a user-friendly analytics platform that provides real-time website traffic information and highlights user behavior data.
  8. SE Ranking: Freelancers can use this freelance SEO tool as an all-in-one platform. It offers analytics tools for competitor analysis, on-page SEO auditing, and keyword ranking.
  9. App Annie: This SEO tool is ideal for freelancers who use mobile apps. App Annie offers insights into the app downloads, user engagement, and the trending markets. You can either use the paid or free version.

Structure Your SEO Strategy With These Tools For Success

SEO tools come in various functions and budgets. But they all have one goal: to enhance your search engine rankings!

As a freelancer, you can leverage various paid and free SEO tools and SEO plugins for multiple functions. They can streamline your workflow, boost efficiency, and achieve outstanding results for your freelance SEO clients.

But keep in mind that the best SEO tactics combine keyword research, both on and off-page optimization, with continual analysis. By using these practical resources and remaining current with SEO trends, you can take your freelance business to new heights.


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